Most people tend to struggle when it comes to buying the ideal stainless steel coil for their needs. And they are not to blame since it is to be mentioned that there are more than 60 grades of stainless-steel.
Either way, this should never deter you from enjoying the numerous benefits accompanying the usage of stainless-steel coil. Having said that, this quick guide examines some of the different factors to consider the next time you so decide to invest in stainless-steel coils.
Corrosion Resistance
Corrosion resistance is a highly important topic to know when looking forward to purchasing stainless-steel products in Singapore. The standards grade most commonly used for food grade applications is AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Thanks to its chemistry, stainless-steels shows tremendous resistance to basic corrosive environments containing only salt and water. Be sure to factor this in the next time you choose to buy stainless-steel coil for your project.
Heat Resistance
An increasing number of customers settle on stainless-steel coils because they can use them everywhere without any concern about the corrosion aspect of metals. Temperature is also an important factor to consider when purchasing stainless-steel products.
High temperatures, such as in a furnace environment of (900-1175C) have the potential to increase the corrosion of stainless-steel products. Not to mention, high temperatures exerts high pressure on the products. In this regard, you need to buy heat-resistant stainless-steel, such as 253MA and 321MA if the temperature is always high.
Magnetic Response
Austenitic and ferritic grades of stainless-steel typically have a lower magnetic content, while chromium-based grades are more magnetically active. You need to check the magnetic response for each type of grade; austenitic is not as strong as carbonitride and 310, 316, and 430 grade steels so these all tend to show very little effect.
Martensitic Stainless with higher magnetic content such as 310, 320, 330, 410, and 416 , which are not magnetic but can be made into hardware that is by using post-hardening processes such as nitriding, has deep cryogenic Tempering to achieve those characteristics. Duplex grades like 2205 and 2201 are ferromagnetic while others like 400CN and 452CBM are paramagnetic.
Purchasing stainless-steel coils in Singapore doesn’t always have to be stressful. It always narrows down to examining important factors such as cost, magnetic response, strength required, common manufacturers, resistance to heat, and cryogenic resistance, to mention a few, before deciding on anything.